What You Need to Know Before You Get Your First Electrical Generator

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Business

Chicago residents are well-acquainted with severe weather, ice, snow, and the power outages and blackouts that can come with heavy snowstorms and rain. No matter what season of the year it is, there is a possibility for a loss of power. Whether it is weather-related or a utility company equipment failure, your power could go out and you could end up in the dark. Installing residential generators in Chicago allows you to continue to use essential systems in your home. Here are three things you should know before you get your first electrical generator.

Generator Noise Levels

When a generator is working, its noise level is 60 to 66 decibels. This is about this as the same level of noise as a typical central air conditioning unit. These built-in generators are quieter than the portable gas-powered ones you might hear in the neighborhood during a widespread power outage.

Electrical Panel Requirements

If your home has a modern electrical panel, it is likely to be ready to go for one of these generators. If your home is 50 years old and has never had any updates to its electrical wiring, it may need a panel upgrade. The same team that installs a generator can also upgrade your home’s electrical panel. This ensures that everything will work well together.

Installation Location

These generators must be placed outdoors. Most homeowners choose to have the generator placed close to their air conditioning unit and in a fenced-in area for safety. It has to be at least three feet away from a structure, including houses, garages, and sheds. This is so that air can feed into the unit. It must not be located near a window or any type of a fresh air intake. This is because the generator’s exhaust is harmful to human health.

For more information about generators in Chicago, contact Penco Electric by phone or online.

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