Stage decking is one of the best options available for custom stage designs. Of all the decking materials available, grated material decking is especially useful and functional when special effects are used as part of a performance on stage. Pyro, water, light, smoke, and fog can be used with grated decking. The use of decking allows for sturdy platforms to be built and allows a wider range of set ups, performances, and effects to be done during the show. Here are some of the features you can use with stage decking:
Risers- Building up different levels to the stage make concert more engaging and interesting and makes it easier to launch pyro shows and other special effects from.
Stairs- Adding stairs on the stage makes it easier for performers to get around and adds to the drama and performance of the event.
Platforms- Building out into the audience with platforms allows more people to get up close to the action and adds a unique look and feel to the presentation that grabs people’s attention.
Handrails- Putting up handrails along walk ways and stairs helps add stability and provides added safety for people attending the event as they make their way around the venue area.
Seating- The design and setup of the seating for your event can make or break the experience for many so careful consideration and attention to details and layout is a must!
Turntables- Bring some pizzazz and flare to your event with turntables; they are a great way to accent certain aspects and area of your stage performance.
Make your next concert, event, show, or gathering the best that it can be with stage decking and the other great accessories that can be used with it! Contact us to learn more!