If you have a loved one who has special needs, you may be wondering what the best financial plan is that you can set up for them. Thankfully, making sure they are well-taken care if easy if you know that a special needs trust in Illinois is what will work best for them. Here are the benefits of opening such a plan for them.
Do Not Reduce Benefits
It is not unusual for those with special needs to also receive benefits from the government. However, with certain holdings such as traditional savings accounts or employment income, the money will reduce the financial benefits received. However, this is not true with special needs trust in Illinois. The money placed within these types of trusts is considered “non-countable,” which means that it does not count against any benefits being received.
The money that is held within the trust cannot be touched by any creditors, whether private or otherwise. This is great news for the special needs person because they do not have to worry about their money being taken and them being left with nothing to survive on.
Guaranteed Use
Whether you want to admit it or not, the money given to a third party does not always make it to the intended recipient. When you use a special needs trust in Illinois, you are ensuring that the money you want the person to use will actually be there when they need it.
If you want more information about special needs trust Illinois, contact Life’s Plan, Inc. by visiting them online.