Just as mobile handsets have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, so have the networks they run on. While these underlying technological developments might not be overtly visible to users, their effects can not be doubted. Mobile network users today can often stream high-definition video at rates that allow hours of enjoyment, something that would have been unthinkable even a few short years ago. Those tasked with developing and maintaining these mobile Data Networks have had to make use of some pretty creative and innovative approaches to allow for these rewarding levels of functionality.
The very first Data Networks of this kind, it must be said, were relatively crude arrangements. When making use of mobile data typically meant little more than pulling up an occasional web page or sending an email, the prevailing technology was often barely adequate for even these modest demands. Essentially making dual use of the same channels that were used for voice communication in those days, it was the rough equivalent of the telephone modems that used to grant connectivity to home computers in the digital dark ages.
The first big improvement to this unsatisfying status quo came with the introduction of so-called “2G” networks. Instead of trying to leverage voice channels to send digital data over, 2G, for the first time, introduced dedicated lanes for the latter kind of traffic. That alone made a big difference, as it meant that users did not need to worry about how crowded a particular cell tower was with voice users, something that had previously been a major concern.
Since then, data providers have raised the bar even further. The group of technologies collectively known as “3G” provided for far more in the way of basic bandwidth, making it possible for many users to start streaming audio and video with great reliability. With the introduction of LTE and 4G technologies in recent years, the situation has become even more satisfying. Some of the best connections now rival home data plans in terms of bandwidth, even if reliability tends to be a little bit lower. Although something of a plateau has now been reached in terms of immediate technological development, there are likely to be some excitement improvements to come. Visit Website to know more.
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