Remember the Good Times With DTF Transfer Ready to Press Images

by | Mar 22, 2024 | DTF Printing

Everyone likes to relive the good times in their life. Think of that cherished concert T-shirt or the cute coffee mug you bought to remember your trip to the Grand Tetons. When it comes to family, friends, or business, there are many chances to have great experiences that you would like to memorialize.

Thanks to modern DTF transfer ready to press technology, you now have the opportunity of creating your own special edition items in small quantities at a reasonable cost. Imagine scanning your parents’ wedding photo and using that to make a commemorative T-shirt for the guests to have at their 25th anniversary party. How about capturing a still image off the video you shot of your son hitting the winning home run at his Little League game?

What makes this all possible is that you are not trapped in the old game of having to order custom printing in lots of 100 or greater. With DTF transfer ready to press items, you aren’t obligated to any minimum quantity at all. If you only want three copies of your son’s home run, that’s all you order. You get the thin film image sent back to you from your printer, and apply them yourself to whatever item you choose. If you want an XL for you, an M for your wife, and an XS for your son, you can do that without going bankrupt having them printed.

Virtual immortality is just one image transfer away. The possibilities are endless, and the costs are ridiculously minimal in comparison to the emotional surge you get. Contact Axo Transfers at, for all the information you need.

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