Looking at the Best Automatic Knives for Sale Anywhere On the Internet

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Knives

Ask ten collectors what the best knives out there are and you’ll probably get 11 or 12 different answers. Views on this topic are so diverse that it’s hard for anyone to make a concrete decision on them. That being said, there’s a good chance that Microtech automatic knives will constantly come up in the discussion. Over the years, Microtech automatic knives have established themselves as a very solid brand that’s become more than just a name shoved on top of a line of blades.

Custom bladesmiths have actually claimed that while Microtech knives are factory made, they have the feel of a handcrafted original. Tight machining tolerances have been the primary reason for this. Many of their blades are made to specifications that define sizes in terms of a single thousandth of an inch. That may very well be why they’ve ended up producing several designs used by members of the armed services.

Out-the-front and double action automatic designs tend to be among their most popular, probably because Microtech’s are among the only ones that feature this kind of functionality while managing to remain durable. Moving parts usually have a deleterious impact on a knife’s longevity, but Microtech’s attention to detail has ensured that this isn’t nearly as much of a problem when it comes to their pieces. Some specialists have even insinuated that they led to the resurgence of tactical knives that have typified collecting over the last few decades.

Check out Viper Tec Knives on the web at www.vipertecknives.com to see the best automatic knives for sale up close.

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