Preventing the Theft of Car Parts With a Security System in San Antonio

by | Apr 8, 2022 | Security

Many people are starting to find parts of their cars stolen the next time they go and try to start it. That’s because a lot of criminals are finding out that it can be a lot less risky to steal parts than trying to steal entire cars.

If you run a car dealership, you need to make sure someone isn’t breaking in and stealing car parts from all of your cars. Take a look into this kind of security system to help stop catalytic converter theft in San Antonio.


You don’t want to have to deal with the effects of criminals coming in and stealing your car parts. You want a security system that can warn criminals before they start stealing for you.

For example, you could have a security system that has lights and sound effects that go off whenever they detect criminals. Criminals are likely to run away from this knowing that police could be there in just a handful of minutes.

24/7 Monitoring

You might be lucky to have security personnel that can watch your car lots most of the time. However, you should always have a way to view what is happening every hour of the day.

When you’re looking to stop catalytic converter theft in San Antonio, you need a security system that monitors your premises 24/7. This should also include auto-recording so that you can go back and look at footage that you might have missed from earlier.

Security System

When protecting your business, you want to purchase a form of security from a company that will be around for a long time. They should be able to help with any hardware or software issues you run into.

Around San Antonio, one company should fit the bill. Check out iNET Security and Surveillance by going to

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